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Education: Kaitlyn did her schooling from North York Board of Education and college from York University in Psychology Kaitlyn Leeb Net Worth Kaitlyn Leeb's net worth is $2 million U.S. dollars and her income comes from acting endorsements deal with brands, etc. Kaitlyns annual income can range from $30000 to four thousand dollars U.S. Kaitlyn started her career as an actress and later worked in the media and printing industry. Instagram Adventure: Kaitlyn posts images of her everyday life, movie posters and much more in the Instagram page. She has 75k+ followers. she was first created on an Instagram account on August 7, 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb is a member of the family. Ted Leeb is Kaitlyn Leebs husband. They have 2 daughters Avery Elizabeth Leeb on August 5, 2016, and Presley Leeb to be born in 2020.

Kayla Maisonet was born in New York. She's well-known in the US as the character Georgie Diaz in the Disney TV sitcom Stuck in the Middle. In Los Angeles, she pursued acting as a profession after moving from New York to Los Angeles from New York with her parents. Television was her favorite subject in childhood as well as her dream to be an actor were two of the primary factors behind her choice. She loved Disney Channel and eventually decided she wanted to become a professional actor. It was her first year of college when she began her acting career and continued to do so as she aged. She began doing Off-Broadway plays and was a hit within Los Angeles' theater circles. Her first appearance on screen was with the 2012 Disney show Dog with a Blog where she played a major recurring role. Then she appeared on The Haunted Hathaways. In 2016, she landed the role that defined her career Georgie Diaz in the Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Kayla was also a big hit. In recognition of her work as part of the Dog with a Blog series, she won a Young Artist Award.

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